Your good small
business needs.
We need customers to make money from our businesses. A
business, is not a business, if it is not making you money. If you remember the
definition of business, you will understand what I mean.
When you give a product to someone, or you render a service
to someone, and the person gives you money at end, you have done what is called
business. That was what you
were taught. But what if all of the people you sold your product to, or you
render services to, decided to stop coming to you, probably because they were
not okay with your first product or services, will you say you are doing
business? And what if the business cannot pay the shop rent at end of the year,
will you say you are in business? Are you the one running the business or the
business is the one running you?
A business, in the real sense of the word, is that business
that is bringing you money for your shop rent, transport and savings. If you
have people working for you in that business, the business should be able to
pay those people. If your business is not doing these, then it is the business
that is running you.
So to be in business,
you need customers, I mentioned that earlier. By customers, am not talking
about a one-time buyer, am talking about regular
buyers, anytime they need something, they run to your shop.
You will agree with
me that, it is not easy to get this type of customers. A whole lot of small
businesses have failed because there were no customers to keep them going. You
use to know some very beautiful business outlets that are now dead. One of the
reasons they are dead maybe that they couldn’t raise the number of customers
needed to keep the business alive.
So the big question
now is, how do we make customers and keep them? How do I convert a one-time
buyer to a customer? Is there anything I can do to make my customers bring me
more customers?
You see, all the answers have been found, and they are many,
very many. Out of these many, if you can use just one, your business will move
to another level. Now let me tell you one of them.
You need to be creative: if the product you are selling or
the services you are rendering is very okay, then creativity will work for you
almost perfectly. Creativity in business means doing something EXTRA. What do I mean by that?
Being friendly with every buyer. Asking them how their night was or how their
day was, how their families are. Say something like “I love your hair”, “I love
your style”,” you are beautiful” (that is if the person is really beautiful),
“I love your voice”. These are extra things you can give to both your first
time buyers and customers. These things can make them come back to you another
day, and even bring people to you. How much do these extra things cost? They cost
So form the habit of saying something nice to all those who
are coming to your business area. And don’t forget that your product and
services must be good, that is the starting point.
Now look at the pictures below.
How do you see these services? Good, isn’t it? Do you think
these ladies will go back to where they got these services another day? And
will these services bring more customers to those who render them? My answers
to all 2 questions are yes and yes.
I know you are not a stylist, but what am trying to tell you
is that, you should create a style in that your business that will attract
customers. Try the once I mentioned above and see what will happen.
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