Tuesday, 31 May 2016


Best business opportunity in Nigeria
In our last article, we talked about how you can correct the mistakes of others using your small business. Doing right, what others are doing wrongly will bring sells, very good amount of sells to you. And of course, that is always the difference between 2 same businesses. While one will be doing it wrongly, the other will be doing it correctly. But one fact is that, no one business man or woman can get it all right. There will always be something to correct, but please, let it not be something very important.
Let me give almost a perfect example of what I mean by, we cannot get it all right always.
Some years back, there was this washing powder called OMO. You remember?

Part of OMO’s slogan then was that OMO will remove stains from your while cloths. But do you remember too, that OMO’s washing powder had blue as its color? And those of us who use OMO on our white cloths noticed that OMO usually leaves blue stain on the collar of our white shirts, and some part of the shirts. Was that a mistake from OMO? Well my answer will be yes any day. Now see how that mistake killed OMO.
Other companies spotted that mistake and decided to correct it so as to capture the market. Ariel came out. What was the color of Ariel washing powder? White. Do you also remember that OMO was always in pack? Not everybody could afford it. Is that what Ariel did too? No. Ariel came out in sachet, and it was affordable by everybody. Ariel will not leave stains on your white am I right?
What happen eventually? Well, people began to move away from OMO to Ariel. When OMO noticed this change, what did they do? They change the color of their washing powder from blue to white and even introduced OMO in sachet. But it was too late.
Honestly, I can’t remember the last time I saw OMO whether in pack or in sachet in my environment or outside my environment. Other companies have taken over the market from OMO; they have been pushed out of the market.
Other companies took over the market, just by correcting OMO’s mistake. What can you learn from that? In your immediate environment and even outside your immediate environment, people are making 1 or 2 mistakes, either in the way they talk to customers, in the way they place their goods, in their prices, in the way they dress, in the way they………………………………………………………………………………I want you to add your own. There will always be something to correct, that’s the fact.
So what you need to do is watch, and thinks about correcting those mistakes in your own location. While other fruit sellers were living their fruits open, a lady made a difference by covering her own fruits with white transparent waterproof to keep flies and dust away. That brought her some customers.

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